ivan 发表于 2005-12-14 09:34

本月活动计划的几个小测试 之 头灯 请各位给点测试的建议

目前2个头灯都在手 因为头带可以互换使用 使用电池相同 所以打算SPOT做主要灯 EOS做备用

测试的周期大约是15天 测试的项目主要是夜行和夜晚营地的照明 都是1w LED 所以光亮的对比不是主要测试目的 而注重一些其他性能的测试 以及使用感受方面

比如在没有毁灭性危险的情况下 测试他们的某些指标 抗寒 抗摔(555 全都是我自己的血汗钱啊)
再比如实际使用时间 以及亮度随时间变化(这些网上可能已经有数据了 就当验证把)

第一印象: SPOT 重量轻 EOS重 经过测量的数据如下70G VS 90G (除去带子 有电池 劲量AAA)这就是为什么我拿SPOT做主灯的原因之一

第二印象:直观 SPOT有3个低瓦数的LED 在不需要很强光线的时候 可以省电 比如做只是照明阅读或者信号灯的时候没有必要用1瓦的 虽然EOS也有3级的调光 这也是选择SPOT的原因之一

第三印象:做工EOS明显比SPOT好 打开电池仓 可以看到胶圈防水 虽然SPOT也是表明防雨 但是信心不足 这也算是原因吧 要不然可能就不会考虑购买EOS了 呵呵

今晚会做一个简单的夜行破处测试主要是为了感觉一下 光亮度 还有使用感觉


1 能不能给些具体的测试方法或者评论一下我的测试方法
2 评价一个头灯(光具)好坏的标准(找到一个例子 不知道这个比较的怎么样)
3 。。。。

[ Last edited by ivan on 2005-12-14 at 09:49 AM ]

ivan 发表于 2005-12-14 09:45

转一篇关于tikka xp vs db spot ---by jsj42

I got both and have been comparing them and this is what I've found:

The Spot is definitely brighter. It has a brighter hotspot in the center, as well as a brighter/wider peripheral throw of light. When you press the "burst" function on the Tikka, the light is comparable, and perhaps *slightly* brighter.

The Tikka's light is more white, where as the Spot has a slight bluish hue. The Tikka's light is also more focussed (less peripheral spread), which I don't think is a good thing: both cast a beam, but the Spot also illuminates the stuff around what you happen to be pointing it at. Interestingly, the light from the Tikka also falls in a strange square shape, instead of a circular pattern.

The Tikka is more intuitive to use: Press the button once for the brightest setting, then rapidly to cycle through the other settings. If you leave the button alone for awhile, when you press it again it will turn off. I also like that you can press the burst button when the Tikka is off and it will shine light only while you are holding it down.

With the Spot, you press the button once to turn it on in one mode (either the main bulb or the smaller bulbs), then again to turn it off, then again to turn it on in the other mode. This means that you could have to press the button up to three times to get the light you want (main bulb or smaller bulbs): annoying. Cycling through brightness settings is accomplished by pressing the button in half-way - this works well.

The size and weights are very comparable - surprising since the Spot has three extra bulbs in it: You'd think the Tikka would be lighter but it might actually feel heavier in your hands. For some reason though the Spot feels heavier on your head - I think this is because of the shape of the headlamp itself and the center of gravity (it sits further away from your head). This is not just a weight issue, but a stability issue. The Tikka feels more stable on my head: not a big deal for most uses, but if you're running or jogging down a bumpy trail, the Spot may jiggle a bit whereas the Tikka feels solid.

The Spot is a more aesthetic, cleaner looking package, that's for sure. But the plastic doesn't feel as durable as the plastic on the Tikka. Also, it would be easy to break or scratch the lens on the Spot, whereas the Tikka's is recessed. Lastly, the hinge on the Spot is not nearly as burly as the hinge on the Tikka.

I wish the Tikka was sleeker and better looking, and that it didn't have that unnecessary led battery strength indicator, and frankly, the slide-over diffuser seems unnecessary to me as well. Just use it's dimmest setting if you're reading. This would make it lighter and cleaner.

If the Spot didn't have the extra three "lower light" leds (which are not a significant enough of a difference to make the extra button-pushing and extra weight worthwhile), and if it had a better feel on my head (ie closer center of gravity, stronger hinge), it would be perfect.

I can't comment on battery life/performance as the charge diminishes.

All things considered, right now I'm leaning towards the Tikka, in spite of it not being as bright, because of the stable, comfortable feel of it on my head and the ease of use. That said, I was going to sell my Spot on ebay, but if anyone is interested in buying it drop me a message and I'll sell it - it's pretty much brand new and has never been taken outside.

彩云指南 发表于 2005-12-14 10:31



ivan 发表于 2005-12-14 10:40

彩云能不能给点想法 关于如何测试有效的可视距离
我自己能想到的方法就是找一个固定的参照物 然后再不同的距离照射 但是这个会受到我的视力的影响?

ivan 发表于 2005-12-14 10:43

另外有点想法 我还有petzl的zikka+和pt的solo 稍候也会加入对比

zikka+在手上 刚刚称了一下 65g 最轻 另 solo在网上评测称重为130g

[ Last edited by ivan on 2005-12-14 at 12:42 PM ]

dreamerz 发表于 2005-12-14 11:40



彩云指南 发表于 2005-12-14 12:00

Originally posted by ivan at 2005-12-14 10:40:
彩云能不能给点想法 关于如何测试有效的可视距离
我自己能想到的方法就是找一个固定的参照物 然后再不同的距离照射 但是这个会受到我的视力的影响?


ivan 发表于 2005-12-14 12:08

Originally posted by dreamerz at 2005-12-14 11:40:
多上 ...

照相技术比乌鸦蜀黍还差 XX(
圣诞。。我肯定再广州了 呵呵呵

ivan 发表于 2005-12-15 00:36

kao 写了半小时的报告没发上来

盲目HAPPY分子 发表于 2005-12-15 09:21


ivan 发表于 2005-12-15 10:24

我的是很奇怪 每次都是输入法死掉 然后整个相关的软件(IE 或者写字板或者WORD)就自己关闭了 什么都没了
我用的输入法是紫光拼音 3。0 以前不会有这个问题 但是最近升级WINDOWS XP之后常常出现

[ Last edited by ivan on 2005-12-15 at 10:28 AM ]

盲目HAPPY分子 发表于 2005-12-15 13:48


ivan 发表于 2005-12-19 20:26

nnd 接着写我的灯

上个星期三 做了第一次简单对比. 地点我家后面某座小山 前半程有路灯 后半程有点月光 所以使用头灯的时间不多.

因为有2个人一起走 所以也简单 一人拿一个 头带没有用 直接拿在手上 可能是因为习惯问题 (小时候都是拿个手电在手上走夜路的) 头上顶个灯好像没有手上拿着清晰 再加上路线简单 同时也为了方便调节光线.

上手 先简单说说头灯的手感 eos有微微磨沙的表面 拿在手上和spot确实不同 spot使用的是光滑的塑料面 感觉更像个玩具 eos则像个工具 随后的测试也有相似的感觉

试了几次开关 调节 同伴说eos的调节不方便 可能是因为它开关往下按的距离太短 稍微用力一点 就关灯了 所以上手spot比eos快 而且spot的按键比eos大 这个对于戴在头上 甚至带着手套去开关会方便 eos的开关做成了一个不规则的三角形 稍微大点的手估计就按不进去了(不过我的手不大)

上了半山 没有路灯的时候 开始开灯 2个灯都开到1w led 四周扫射 感觉光柱还是比较爽的 都比较集中 相对来说 eos光线偏白 spot偏黄 eos中心的光更亮一些 而spot中心的光比较均匀. 没有做亮度的对比 因为相差确实不大

开始下山 没有灯光 这时候可以算是测试的最好时机 还好山路比较平缓 我把2个灯的各个亮度都测试了一遍 eos稍微说一下 因为它就是单纯的一粒灯 开到最暗的时候也够亮 spot的3颗低瓦数led其实也够用了 就是光线好像浑成一团 没有1w的那么强的穿透力

加:接着说说这周这个周日在惠州走得3个多小时夜路 我用的spot 一路都是1w走下来 因为路不熟悉 而且一路上石头比较多 所以看清楚点免得崴脚 前天晚上也用了不到1个小时 总之1个多小时下来 明显感到光线减弱了 但是还是处于可以接受的亮度 这样坚持到最后都没怎么变 可能是所谓稳压电路的作用

本来还写了点别的 实在想不起来了 这周活动继续 但是灯让我丢在深圳了 呵呵 这周测试 zikka+ 和 bd的moonlight吧 ...
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