Outdoor gear blog
Hi,First, I'm writing this through a "google translated" version, so I hope it works.
My name is Johan Bellander, I run an outdoor gear news blog called KirouOutdoor (http://www.kirou.com). I have been reading this forum for awhile (With translation tool help) and think it's a great forum.
I would just like to say that if you have any tip on new products, feel free to drop me an email at johan{at}bellander.net
Thank you
Johan Bellander TKS for your attention, Johan, welcome to join us.
Maybe we can't drop you email and update you any time,
but you can always get the last information byRSS and XML tools. I've saw your BLOG, it's great. welcome to here.
You come from Sweden, you like the brand Haglöfs too?
maybe youcan help me find this:
NUBE HOOD JACKET (http://www.haglofs.se/produkter/visaprod.asp?ID=1079&lang=en&CatNr=322&CatNr2=&xCatNr=&NP=&Q=no&HMtrl=&Str= )
i'm living inParis, but here it's not easy find something about Haglöfs, just some cloths or one kind of bag.
[ 本帖最后由 半袋饼干 于 2006-9-18 06:34 编辑 ] gearer all over the world
:DD WoW,Welcome new member oversea!
And enjoy yourself with Chinese gear psycho here.
btw, Haglöfs is one of my favourite brand, but not have one, since it's too hard to find one here in China.