砾岩 发表于 2007-9-28 21:05


听了几分钟PK1 PK2,说实话木耳没听出太大区别,虽说那玩意八百多块(店里很吵,也没用二房直推的,PK1那么大阻抗能出个声音就不错了,不过关键还是我对耳机也听不出所以然)
也许以后入门了,直接再买个中档耳机配二房家里听???? 再怎么也比箱子便宜多了。

[ [ =№冠№现№ № :   № . 1088№ =_ №№ № . [/ [/

[[本帖最后由 piloteer 于 2015-9-14 19:20 编辑 [/ ]

道法自然 发表于 2007-9-28 21:20


[ [[   38067[/   6] =       时时﹣   ﹣    =﹣ [/ [/

[[本帖最后由 piloteer 于 2015-9-14 19:20 编辑 [/ ]

piloteer 发表于 2007-9-28 21:28


[ [ =┃冠┃现┃ ┃ :   ┃ . 1088┃ =_ ┃┃ ┃ . [/ [/

[[本帖最后由 piloteer 于 2015-9-14 19:20 编辑 [/ ]

砾岩 发表于 2007-9-28 21:43


[ [ =プ冠プ现プ プ :   プ . 1088プ =_ ププ プ . [/ [/

[[本帖最后由 piloteer 于 2015-9-14 19:20 编辑 [/ ]

山海一色 发表于 2007-9-29 02:12

这是 特别广播的一篇小文章:
Portable Music Players Linked to Hearing Loss
Written by Cynthia Kirk
I'm Shep O'Neal with the VOA Special English Health Report.
Electronic devices are changing the way people listen to music. But studies show the devices may be causing hearing loss in many people. Some experts say people may be playing them too loud and for too long.
Researchers from Zogby International did a study for the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. It involved three hundred high school students and one thousand adults. They were asked about their use of portable music devices. Some of the most popular are Apple Computer's iPod, C.D. players and portable laptop computers.
Forty percent of students and adults said they set the sound levels, or volume, at high on their iPods. But students were two times more likely to play the music at a very loud volume. More than half of the students said they would probably not limit their listening time. And about a third said they were not likely to reduce the volume.
The study found that more than half of the students and less than forty percent of the adults had at least one kind of hearing loss. Some reported difficulty hearing parts of a discussion between two people. Others said they had to raise volume controls on a television or radio to hear it better. And, some experienced ringing in their ears or other noises.
Hearing experts say part of the problem is the listening equipment people are using. They say large earphones that cover the whole ear are probably safer than the smaller earbuds that come with most music players. Earbuds are thought to be less effective than earphones in blocking out foreign noises.
Hearing loss may not be apparent for years. But once it happens, it is permanent. About thirty million Americans have some hearing loss. One third of them lost their hearing as a result of loud noises.
Experts at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota say any sound above ninety decibels for long periods may cause some hearing loss. But most portable music players can produce sounds up to one hundred twenty decibels.
The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association is working with manufacturers and   officials on setting rules for use of portable music devices. The group says the best way to protect your hearing is to reduce the volume, limit listening time and using earphones that block out foreign noises.
This VOA Special English Health Report was written by Cynthia Kirk. I'm Shep O'Neal.

[ [[   3 23[/   6] =       时时氵   氵    =氵 [/ [/

[[本帖最后由 piloteer 于 2015-9-14 19:20 编辑 [/ ]

mc鲁迅 发表于 2007-9-29 07:45

[ [[   58096[/   6] =ゲ冠ゲ现ゲ ゲ :   ゲ . 1088ゲ =_ ゲゲ ゲ . [/ [/

[[本帖最后由 piloteer 于 2015-9-14 19:20 编辑 [/ ]

winning1 发表于 2007-9-29 08:35


[ [[   38587[/   6] =       时时〧   〧    =〧 [/ [/

[[本帖最后由 piloteer 于 2015-9-14 19:20 编辑 [/ ]

砾岩 发表于 2007-9-29 19:40


[ [[   31502[/   6] =G冠G现G G :   G . 1088G =_ GG G . [/ [/

[[本帖最后由 piloteer 于 2015-9-14 19:20 编辑 [/ ]

nick200 发表于 2007-9-29 23:26


[ [[   38519[/   6] =       时时め   め    =め [/ [/

[[本帖最后由 piloteer 于 2015-9-14 19:20 编辑 [/ ]

没有猩猩的夜里 发表于 2007-9-30 12:10

原帖由 <i>piloteer</i> 于 2007-9-28 21:28 发表<br />
我最多的时候有森海580,ER4P,ew9还有2个耳放。ew9加上小耳放还是颇有大耳机风范。580 ... <br />

[ [[   38930[/   6] =       时时纟   纟    =纟 [/ [/

[[本帖最后由 piloteer 于 2015-9-14 19:20 编辑 [/ ]

发热饿蛙泳 发表于 2007-9-30 16:10


[ [ =モ冠モ现モ モ :   モ . 1088モ =_ モモ モ . [/ [/

[[本帖最后由 piloteer 于 2015-9-14 19:20 编辑 [/ ]

大鲵 发表于 2007-9-30 21:48


piloteer 发表于 2007-9-30 22:55

原帖由 <i>没有猩猩的夜里</i> 于 2007-9-30 12:10 发表<br />
&lt;br /&gt;<br />
轻轻的问一声,老大的ER4P是直推的吗?小弟找很旧没找到几个数字播放器是很推得动的. <br />


道法自然 发表于 2007-10-1 19:12


没有猩猩的夜里 发表于 2007-10-1 20:33

原帖由 <i>piloteer</i> 于 2007-9-30 22:55 发表<br />
&lt;br /&gt;<br />
<br />
<br />
4p而已又不是s,或者b,怎么会推不动。我用任何一种都推的动。包括ipod,psp,笔记本。。。 <br />

北极的猩猩 发表于 2007-10-2 10:47

还是喜欢goss pp。听摇滚绝配啊!

jameszhou 发表于 2007-10-2 11:55

小四的听诊效应太强了, 无法适应行动需要的;
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 有对耳机耳塞有研究的嘛