The proposal in the park in the rain(ZT)
It broke a record that day, the most rain to fall in Central Park for that day, I think it was 5.5 inches, and it felt like I absorbed most of it.
After watching the ducks for a while a couple came strolling down the walkway, hand in hand:
Only to stop on top of Bow Bridge. He held her hand, kissed her, and talked for a few minutes:
And then it happened:
She was shocked, let out a scream, and forgot that she was holding on to an umbrella:
They held, and kissed, and said sweet nothings to each other. They were on cloud nine!
And then it sank in:
A few more minutes past to regain composure, and then he introduced us. We gave our congratulations, provided some dry tissues and smiles. A brief stroll through the park followed as we all walked back to the streets to get our cabs, but along the way we stopped for a photo or two to take advantage of the beautiful atmosphere only a rainy day can provide: 真不错。。。。。
[ [[ 38073[/ 6] = 时时ォ ォ =ォ [/ [/
[[本帖最后由 piloteer 于 2015-9-14 19:18 编辑 [/ ] 真浪漫啊
[ [[ 8 05[/ 6] =プ冠プ现プ プ : プ . 1088プ =_ ププ プ . [/ [/
[[本帖最后由 piloteer 于 2015-9-14 19:18 编辑 [/ ] 关键地方好啊。。。你要放在南京的什么地方,旁边都是大嫂大妈,肯定甩得一米。。。
[ [ =㎞冠㎞现㎞ ㎞ : ㎞ . 1088㎞ =_ ㎞㎞ ㎞ . [/ [/
[[本帖最后由 piloteer 于 2015-9-14 19:18 编辑 [/ ] 我看看都受不鸟......
[ [[ 38691[/ 6] = 时时﹐ ﹐ =﹐ [/ [/
[[本帖最后由 piloteer 于 2015-9-14 19:18 编辑 [/ ] 这算什么,刚来北京的时候看到很多初中学生在众目睽睽下拥抱、接吻(俺在沈阳从来没看到过这风景)~~~我以为到国外了呢~~~看看四周~~哦~~是在北京~~~
[ [[ 3 62[/ 6] = 时时1 1 =1 [/ [/
[[本帖最后由 piloteer 于 2015-9-14 19:18 编辑 [/ ] 多好啊,虽说同样的情况在我们校园里也常有:)
[ [[ 38650[/ 6] = 时时Ъ Ъ =Ъ [/ [/
[[本帖最后由 piloteer 于 2015-9-14 19:18 编辑 [/ ] 真实/浪漫
[ [[ 5 01[/ 6] =つ冠つ现つ つ : つ . 1088つ =_ つつ つ . [/ [/
[[本帖最后由 piloteer 于 2015-9-14 19:18 编辑 [/ ] 年纪大了,赶不上这趟儿了
[ [ =﹖冠﹖现﹖ ﹖ : ﹖ . 1088﹖ =_ ﹖﹖ ﹖ . [/ [/
[[本帖最后由 piloteer 于 2015-9-14 19:18 编辑 [/ ] 照片画面漂亮+内容写实=good job 有跟踪 后继内容么
[ [[ 58092[/ 6] =┸冠┸现┸ ┸ : ┸ . 1088┸ =_ ┸┸ ┸ . [/ [/
[[本帖最后由 piloteer 于 2015-9-14 19:18 编辑 [/ ] 晕,乍一看第一张,我还以为远处的石头是顶隧道帐、、、、、、
[ [[ 38519[/ 6] = 时时ㄥ ㄥ =ㄥ [/ [/
[[本帖最后由 piloteer 于 2015-9-14 19:18 编辑 [/ ] 这动人的一幕告诉我们,和女朋友逛公园不要穿冲锋衣。。。
[ [ =℅冠℅现℅ ℅ : ℅ . 1088℅ =_ ℅℅ ℅ . [/ [/
[[本帖最后由 piloteer 于 2015-9-14 19:18 编辑 [/ ] 原帖由 <i>灰烬</i> 于 2007-10-10 12:22 发表<br />
晕,乍一看第一张,我还以为远处的石头是顶隧道帐、、、、、、 <br />
不要太搞。。。。。。 原帖由 <i>看见野玫瑰</i> 于 2007-10-9 20:16 发表<br />
这算什么,刚来北京的时候看到很多初中学生在众目睽睽下拥抱、接吻(俺在沈阳从来没看到过这风景)~~~我以为到国外了呢~~~看看四周~~哦~~是在北京~~~ <br />