Osprey 08款最新背包(好像OP主页上还没发布出来)
刚刚在国外网站发现的OP 08款背包,主页上还没有刊登出来,个人很喜欢黄色的 Argon 70LArgon and Xenon
This new pair of backpacks are about to join the ranks of famous partnerships - Laurel and Hardy, Bill and Ben, erm, Punch and Judy, ahem - and now Argon and Xenon.
Forget the lightweight daypacks for a moment - these are big strapping load haulers - and we really do mean 'big'. The Argon is the men's pack and it can haul a whopping 110 litres, in a 3.01kg pack, while the women's Xenon stashes away 85 litres of kit in a 2.78kg pack.
There are also a handful of smaller version - 70l and 85l in the Argon pack and 70l in the Xenon pack. They replace the original Crescent and Luna packs, but in a lighter weight, and with a few interesting new features.
One is the hydration system which has a strap so that it can be carried separately, on your shoulder, if you take a quick side-trip one day. The hood also becomes a lumbar pack, for the same purpose.
And how does the technology make all this load carrying a desirable - and not too sweaty - prospect?
Well, Osprey have designed an 'AirScape' back panel with tri-section 10mm ridged foam and a central air chimney to encourage air circulation, so you don't get too clammy with all that kit pressing against your back.
As for the carrying system, the Argon and Xenon have taken on the custom-moulded hip belts that accompanied the Crescent and Luna packs. You have to pick your store carefully to take full advantage of this, but if you head to your local Osprey Custom Moulding oven - just a bit like popping down to the post office really - the hipbelt will be moulded to fit your dimensions.
Other features include vertical zip acess to the main body of the pack and zippered access to the side pockets.
Sounds like an interesting option next time we go on a long trek.
Pack Weight Price
Argon 70 2.52kg £180
Argon 85 2.86kg £200
Argon 110 3.01kg £220
Xenon 70 2.35kg £180
Xenon 85 2.78kg £200 Kestrel Series
The Kestrel packs draw on this year's lightweight mountain sports pack, the Talon, which weighs only 1.1kg in the 44l version.
The plan is to make the Kestrel a little less high end than that, with the 48l version set to drain £85 from your pockets, compared to £100 for the Talon 44. It will continue to be fully hydration compatible though, with stretch front and side pockets, two zip-up pockets on the back panel, and loops for trekking poles which you can use on your own whilst in motion - now there's a challenge.
The packs also feature Osprey's first integrated rain cover, according to the manufacturers, and there's a zipped base compartment and sleeping bag straps on the two larger packs.
All sounds good for day trips into the hills or a lightweight weekend away.
Pack Weight Price
Kestral 28 1.13kg £60
Kestrel 32 1.13kg £60
Kestrel 38 1.39kg £75
Kestrel 48 1.5kg £85 继承OSPREY鲜艳亮丽的一贯作风
那个女的插两根登山杖,像个忍者 现在我已经退化到对1kg以上的包没有兴趣了…… 原帖由 <i>大学生</i> 于 2007-10-19 10:35 发表<br />
继承OSPREY鲜艳亮丽的一贯作风<br />
那个女的插两根登山杖,像个忍者 <br />
新的即取即走设计。 看起来似乎没有新的亮点,Argon那么大的包怎么腰带做的和小技术包一样单薄,我个人还是喜欢厚实点的 MM挂手掌的方式可以借鉴. http://bbs.auly.com/dtl.asp?pid=103684&cid=13
其实8264上早贴了,不过ms那几天的数据都丢了 原帖由 <i>倾听冷雨</i> 于 2007-10-19 12:26 发表<br />
看起来似乎没有新的亮点,Argon那么大的包怎么腰带做的和小技术包一样单薄,我个人还是喜欢厚实点的 <br />
我觉得重要的是能贴合腰部,一般单薄的比较柔软,厚实的比较硬,单薄的比厚实的更容易根据各人腰部曲线而形变,更易贴合,而承重方面,我觉得屁股后方发挥的作用更大…… 样子不错啊,Osprey产品更新速度好快啊 见过,不喜欢o包,大负重舒适程度根本比不上鸟包,差太远了。 原帖由 <i>鸡肚皮</i> 于 2007-10-19 13:09 发表<br />
<br /><br />
我觉得重要的是能贴合腰部,一般单薄的比较柔软,厚实的比较硬,单薄的比厚实的更容易根据各人腰部曲线而形变,更易贴合,而承重方面,我觉得屁股后方发挥的作用更大…… <br />
呵呵,曾有过O包,LUNA系列的,搞过鸟的大型背包,从BORA到NAOS,还是更喜欢O的背负,很贴背,鸟的包背负硬,怎么调都感觉不到包的重心和人的身体形成整体(可能因人而不同吧),但还是把O包出了,布料太差,随随便便就可以留下划痕,希望新的包可以解决这个问题,两款BORA现在也出了,NAOS给朋友抢走了,鸟的材料真的没得说,看一眼都会让你爽一把. 这个是原始出处,好像是O包的08年样品在各个户外店里内部展示http://www.shanlu.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardID=21&ID=18295&page=1 原帖由 <i>xueyin</i> 于 2007-10-19 17:37 发表<br />
呵呵,曾有过O包,LUNA系列的,搞过鸟的大型背包,从BORA到NAOS,还是更喜欢O的背负,很贴背,鸟的包背负硬,怎么调都感觉不到包的重心和人的身体形成整体(可能因人而不同吧),但还是把O包出了,布料太差,随随便便就可以留 ... <br />
同意o包的背负贴合度很好~~~ 大型包的轻量化是把双刃剑,搞不好就会很失败,尤其腰带和肩带都是不能省的,要不鸟包这么多年都没出轻量化的包包,是不能吗?我看是还没把握. 原帖由 <i>没有猩猩的夜里</i> 于 2007-10-19 12:55 发表<br />
MM挂手掌的方式可以借鉴. <br />
原帖由 <i>倾听冷雨</i> 于 2007-10-19 15:08 发表<br /><br /><br />
包的重量应该是整个“坐”在腰上,与人合为一体,而不是贴合,只是简单的贴合怎么能分担肩膀的压力,而且都作用在后方的话,屁股上皮都会被磨出老茧 <br />
我的意思就是说贴合后再整条腰带均匀受力坐在腰上,而不像某些硬腰带那样有些地方贴得紧有些地方贴不紧而造成只有几个点受力……后方的受力部门是从屁股到肩膀之间的整个背部…… 好象和那个老外走新长征的杨肖已经用上了,因为他们的装备都是Wildrampage赞助的。