What exactly is going on in thereA totally new way to experience nature. A limited-edition dollop of sci-fi futurism. A 13-foot-tall cred-building choice that silences that, "We hate camping!" whining once and for all. Dutch sculptor and designer Dré Wapenaar has earned international fame for making the world's coolest architectural tents.Nestled among the branches, up off the ground, there's a nine-foot-diameter hardwood floor and groovy round mattress inside. It sleeps two adults comfortably and also makes the world's coolest tree fort/spaceship (with adjustable planetary landing steps). Send the kids to granny's every once in a while and let the rising sun wake just the two of you.
[ [[ 58061[/ 6] =ァ冠ァ现ァ ァ : ァ . 1088ァ =_ ァァ ァ . [/ [/
[[本帖最后由 piloteer 于 2015-9-14 18:59 编辑 [/ ] 关心重量……
[ [[ 38553[/ 6] = 时时┌ ┌ =┌ [/ [/
[[本帖最后由 piloteer 于 2015-9-14 18:59 编辑 [/ ] 吊瓜啊
[ [ =3冠3现3 3 : 3 . 10883 =_ 33 3 . [/ [/
[[本帖最后由 piloteer 于 2015-9-14 18:59 编辑 [/ ] 想知道再里面怎么睡?里面还有支撑结构?
[ [[ 3 61[/ 6] = 时时С С =С [/ [/
[[本帖最后由 piloteer 于 2015-9-14 18:59 编辑 [/ ]
[ [[ 3 61[/ 6] = 时时る る =る [/ [/[[本帖最后由 piloteer 于 2015-9-14 18:59 编辑 [/ ] 要挂这个得先学会爬树,哈哈
[ [[ 38227[/ 6] = 时时艹 艹 =艹 [/ [/
[[本帖最后由 piloteer 于 2015-9-14 18:59 编辑 [/ ] 附赠树不?
[ [[ 38073[/ 6] = 时时g g =g [/ [/
[[本帖最后由 piloteer 于 2015-9-14 18:59 编辑 [/ ] 原帖由 <i>mc鲁迅</i> 于 2007-10-27 08:41 发表<br />
附赠树不? <br />
[ [[ 5 01[/ 6] =┬冠┬现┬ ┬ : ┬ . 1088┬ =_ ┬┬ ┬ . [/ [/
[[本帖最后由 piloteer 于 2015-9-14 18:59 编辑 [/ ] 近距离接触参赛热气球 每只价值约7万元
[ [[ 38062[/ 6] = 时时 = [/ [/
[[本帖最后由 piloteer 于 2015-9-14 18:59 编辑 [/ ] 里面是睡未来战士么
[ [[ 58053[/ 6] =乄冠乄现乄 乄 : 乄 . 1088乄 =_ 乄乄 乄 . [/ [/
[[本帖最后由 piloteer 于 2015-9-14 18:59 编辑 [/ ] 结果子了
[ [ =G冠G现G G : G . 1088G =_ GG G . [/ [/
[[本帖最后由 piloteer 于 2015-9-14 18:59 编辑 [/ ]
用这个去哪还得找树~~不会爬树怎么办? 人在里面是不是也吊着睡的?:) 这个东西谁会去用?等待有人吃螃蟹......
一定出报告啊,呵呵 孵化器? 下雨打雷时咋办?异形的孵化阶段?
哪位兄弟先尝螃蟹啊? 丝瓜?