龙潜 发表于 2008-3-16 21:14

Princeton Tec的2008款新头灯

Princeton Tec的网站也改版了,虽说比以前趣味了许多,可是感觉人机互动效果差了许多,内容也不如以前详细了。


When applied well, technology should be simple. Such is the case with the innovative Fuel headlamp – designed to meet the widest range of applications while remaining small,lightweight and robust. With all of the touch points of the product being considered, the Fuel’s smart design fulfills technology’s promise of actually making our lives easier. What could be better than a light that weighs only 78g with 15 lumens of brightness and 160 hours of burn time? A light that also has an asymmetrical single arm bracket that makes directing the light effortless and reliable; a large,easy to find push button switch and a virtually bulletproof,easy access battery door that protects the 3AAAs and its electronics. Yea.. that’s pretty much it.Simple. Perfect. Fuel.

[ 本帖最后由 龙潜 于 2008-3-16 21:19 编辑 ]

龙潜 发表于 2008-3-16 21:16

Tactical Quad

Aiming to meet the highly specialized needs of outdoor sportsmen and the US military, Princeton Tec is introducing a tactical version of the popular Quad headlamp for 2007. The new Quad Tactical augments the original Quad’s lightweight and durable design with three interchangeable lens covers which filter the four Ultrabright, regulated LEDs into red, blue or green light.

[ 本帖最后由 龙潜 于 2008-3-16 21:22 编辑 ]

龙潜 发表于 2008-3-16 21:17

Tactical Eos

Like the Quad Tactical, the Tac Eos headlamp is compact,military tough and is housed in an ultra light, 3-AAAplatform. The Tac Eos also has an easy-to-change lensfilter system designed for specific nighttime activities:red for preserving night vision, blue for blood trackingand green for hunter safety. Each has four output modes –the strongest of which can shine the 1 watt MaxbrightLED a staggering 56m! The Tac Eos – strong, stealthy,state-of-the-art.

龙潜 发表于 2008-3-16 21:18

Apex Pro

Where lightweight is a must, ultimate power and function are a demand, and durability is an expectation – we introduce you to the Apex Pro. Professional athletes and adventurers around the world have marveled at the power of the Apex. In an effort to meet their unique and ever evolving needs, we have developed the Apex Pro to provide a faster and lighter option while still providing the ultimate in brightness and output. The Apex Pro is powered by 2 CR123 lithium batteries protected in a highly durable and waterproof case. Designed for professionals, and perfect for all users.

zpxx 发表于 2008-3-16 22:17


Memoryc 发表于 2008-3-16 22:52


CookieMania 发表于 2008-3-17 03:59

Princeton Tec 的网站估计是整个交给人家设计的,现在是合约期满,又再来重新设计中。列出的新产品都不新了,在美国上市最少半年了,我所知还有更新的产品没有在网站列出 - Apex Extreme,这里己经有卖了:


Princeton Tec 还为它的大功率自行车专用灯独立建了一个新网站:


[ 本帖最后由 CookieMania 于 2008-3-17 04:13 编辑 ]

CookieMania 发表于 2008-3-17 04:01

原帖由 <i>Memoryc</i> 于 2008-3-16 10:52 PM 发表<br />
都是3AAA,郁闷 <br />

Apex Pro 是 2 X CR123的。

hjw 发表于 2008-3-17 11:38


亚凡 发表于 2008-3-17 13:10


milker 发表于 2008-3-17 13:49


Memoryc 发表于 2008-3-17 22:18

apex extreme不错

纳斯卡 发表于 2008-3-18 00:53


zhujie1225 发表于 2008-3-18 22:44

原帖由 <i>纳斯卡</i> 于 2008-3-18 00:53 发表<br />
有没有人聊聊B家的新头灯? 是那款1w的?

dreamerz 发表于 2008-3-19 01:15


CookieMania 发表于 2008-3-19 03:53

如果不是晚上进行定向越野赛跑/集训,或者晚上进行自行车骑行训练或搜救的活动,60流明的灯泡配合良好的反光碗基本上己经满足大部份需要了,著名的SUREFIRE 6P 原配的P60灯泡就只有65流明而己,已经足够在晚上在不太远的距离影响被照射者的短时间视力,在 BD 的 ICON,PETZL 的新版 MYO XP SILVA/BRUNTON 的 L5,PRINCETON TEC 的 APEX EXTREME 都能轻易超越60流明左右这界线后,看来目前厂家都在向其他方向发展,并同时完整自己的产品线。(补充点:PETZL,BD及PRINCETON TEC最近的产品升级都非常容易 - 基本上作点小改动,但最主要是改用新一代的 LED 而已。)

而PETZL同时主攻定向越野赛为主的高端市场搞出个 ULTRA 出来:

这用上6 LED的灯投射距离大不了 MYO XP 多少,但照射角度估计相当大,用在自行车赛估计也可以,在香港定价超过3,000港元的。
PRINCETON TEC 则向自行车赛进军,搞出前面提及的 SWITCHBACK 出来。

在补充产品线方面:PETZL搞了个 SIGNAL(可说是简化版E+LITE)出来,它的对手大概是PRINCETON TEC 的 SCOUT 及 BD 的 ION; PRINCETON TEC 搞了个 FUEL 出来,它的对手应该是 PETZL的 TIKKA PLUS 及 BD 的 MOXIE/GIZMO。要注意的是这些新一代的小功率头灯设计是明显锋对 UL 级的 THU-HIKER 为中心来设计,这些人大概有 FENIX 类的电筒备用,亮度再不是选头灯的前题,反而非常低的耗电及轻量化对他们非常重要,谁都不希望带上大量的备用电池走长线,因为不打算走夜路,亮度基本满足营地照明可,用上新一代的 0.5W 级别 NICHIA 高效小功率 LED 来设计的这些头灯最合要求了。BD 则拿出ICON 来跟 MYO XP 及 APEX 拼了,可惜 BD 的东西对我这南方人来说还是不能接受 - 一个新设计的头灯居然还看来不是 IPX7 防水级别的。

*** 以上纯是睡得半睡半醒时游戏之作,亦不认识任何头灯业者,故信者绝不会得救,反而会下地府的!!! ***

[ 本帖最后由 CookieMania 于 2008-3-19 04:27 编辑 ]

dreamerz 发表于 2008-3-19 10:57


动力火柴 发表于 2008-3-19 22:24


CookieMania 发表于 2008-3-19 22:51

超过60流明的白炽灯泡手电很好找,也不算很贵,SUREFIRE的 6P 及 G2 都合要求了,前提是要不介意它1小时内吃掉2颗CR123A。

leng4 发表于 2008-3-21 10:35

最赞的是red for preserving night vision, blue for blood trackingand green for hunter safety的镜片change system, 不过真的有这样的效果么?
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