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[ZT] 各种净水方法的对比表格

发表于 2007-2-18 22:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

[ 本帖最后由 leexy 于 2007-2-18 23:06 编辑 ]


 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-18 22:03 | 显示全部楼层


1) In general free chlorine (HOCl) is five times more viricidal and four times more cysticidal than hypo iodous acid (HIO), and is two hundred times more viricidal and two times more cysticidal than I2 (George Clifford White, p. 1378). However, iodine can be effective against Giardia when properly applied. Iodine and chlorine tablets without filtration could pass EPA Purifier Protocols for Type I and Type II waters if only Giardia is tested, but not if Cryptosporidium is tested.

2) The UV Steri-Pen does not work well in turbid waters or in water containing naturally-occuring humic acids because UV is absorbed by humic acids. In addition, adeno-viruses are more resistant to inactivation by UV than are bacteria or protozoan cysts and oocysts. The Steri-Pen has passed EPA Purifier Protocols for Type I water, but not for Type II water without first filtering. (The MSR MIOX Purifier does not require pre-filtering to meet purifier standards.) The humic acids and turbidity in Type II water cloud and absorb the light, decreasing UV transmission, and allowing more nucleation points for clumping.

3) Iodine and chlorine technologies will leave a residual, but both disinfectants are ineffective against Cryptosporidium.

4) Use of filters without a viral guard is not recommended for standing water, due to the potential for virus contamination.

5) The MSR MIOX Purifier will not filter particles out of the water, although it will make even turbid water safe to drink without filtering. If the user is concerned about aesthetic quality of the water, there are various methods for removing solids, including filtering the water, passing it through a fabric cloth, or using a pinch of powdered alum.

6) The required quantity of any tablet disinfectant is compact for low-volume use.  However, if a longer trip is planned, the number of tablets required in bulk may exceed the size of a treatment “device.” For example, one ClO2 tablet treats 1 L of water. The MSR MIOX Purifier treats ~200 L on one set of batteries.

7) The purifier is 7 times smaller than a standard filter and ¼ the weight.

8) Filters must be scrubbed periodically to remove captured particulates that can clog the filter pores.

9) UV is notorious for the outside surface of the lamp fouling with both organic and inorganic material. Large-scale UV systems have self-cleaning apparatus in place to remove this biofouling. It can be assumed that the UV Steri-Pen would also need to be cleaned periodically to keep functioning.

10) Although filters are generally fairly rugged, ceramic cartridges are susceptible to cracking if dropped.

11) Any tablet disinfectant will have submersibility and shelf life issues.

12) A sufficient quantity of iodine and chlorine tablets could treat large quantities of water in a fairly short period of time. However, tablets are designed for smaller treatment quantities. The more water the user plans to treat, the more tablets would be required. The UV Steri-Pen was also designed with smaller treatment capacities in mind, with a single dose intended for only ½ L. The MSR MIOX Purifier has single dosage quantities designed for ½ L up to 4 liters (approximately 1 gallon), and can treat multiple containers of water at the same time.

Filters alone will not remove viruses.
The standard waiting time for both chlorine and iodine tablets, as advised by emergency response groups, is 30 minutes, but these technologies will not inactivate Cryptosporidium without filtration. Katadyn recommends a dwell time of 30 minutes with use of their chlorine tablets but recommends 4 hours for more resistant organisms such as Giardia.  
ClO2 tablets require 15 minutes for bacteria and viruses and 4 hours to inactivate Giardia and Cryptosporidium.
The UV Steri-Pen is effective against all classes of organisms in clear water but against nothing in turbid water.
The MSR MIOX Purifier requires 15 minutes for viruses and bacteria, 30 minutes for Giardia, and 4 hours for Cryptosporidium, and the quality of the source water is irrelevant. Potability of water can be guaranteed with the MSR MIOX Purifier’s safety indicator, which cannot be used with any other technology.
Time Required (minutes) for Removal of
Bacteria, Viruses, & Giardia, and
Simultaneous Treatment of Various Volumes

14) The UV Steri-Pen requires four AA batteries, which are readily available, but the bulb will wear out after treatment of 625 gallons of water, according to the manufacturer. A Steri-Pen with a broken or exhausted bulb must be returned to the factory for installation of a new bulb. In contrast, salt and lithium camera batteries for the MIOX purifier are readily available worldwide and can be installed by the user.

15) Bottled iodine tablets have a shelf life of 5 years if the bottle is unopened. However, once the bottle is opened, shelf life is only 6 months. Iodine crystals have no shelf life.The shelf life for chlorine tablets is in the range of several years if stored properly (cool, dry, no light). High temperatures, sunlight, and humidity can have a dramatic effect on decreasing shelf life, even to within only a few weeks of viability.

16) The MSR MIOX Purifier is the only water purification option supplied with a purity indicator and calibrated to match proper usage only with the purifier.  Other treatment technologies have no way of guaranteeing the water is safe to drink.

Filters range from $25 up to $800. Replacement cartridges for various filter types range from $40 to $200. The MSR MiniWorks EX filter is the market leader and sells for ~$80 with a replacement filter costing $35.  Manufacturer’s instructions indicate that filters must typically be replaced every 2,000 liters. If treating highly turbid water, filter cartridges may need to be replaced much sooner.
Potable Aqua iodine tablets sell for about $5 per bottle, contain 50 tablets per bottle, and require 2 tablets per liter.
Katadyn chlorine tablets sell for $14 for 30 tablets, and 1 tablet is required per liter.
Micropur ClO2 tablets sell for $14 for 30 tablets, and 1 tablet is required per liter.
The UV Steri-Pen retails for ~$150.  Testing indicates ~25 treatments of ½ liter each before battery replacement is required, when using 4 disposable AA alkaline batteries. Four AA batteries retail for $2.67. Manufacturer’s instructions indicate that bulb replacement is required after ~625 gallons of treatment. To replace the bulb, the Steri-Pen must be returned to the factory for a charge of $60.
The MSR MIOX Purifier retails for $129.95 and will treat 200 L before batteries must be replaced. Two lithium CR123 batteries retail for $3.50 on-line. The more you utilize the purifier, the more economical it becomes in contrast to tablets, which are totally consumed with each application, and must therefore be replaced in full.
Total Cost (Initial Purchase & Replacement Parts)
for Various Volumes on Clean Water
 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-18 22:25 | 显示全部楼层

[ 本帖最后由 leexy 于 2007-2-18 23:04 编辑 ]
发表于 2007-2-19 11:25 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2007-2-19 15:52 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-2-19 18:30 | 显示全部楼层

我只有一个sweet water陶瓷滤芯净水器
发表于 2007-2-19 20:57 | 显示全部楼层



Santtary Standard for DrinKing Water Quality

l 范围


2  引用资料

  WHO Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality,1993
  WHO Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality,Addendum to Volume 2,1998

3 定义

  3.1 生活饮用水:由集中式供水单位直接供给居民作为饮水和生活用水,该水的水质必须确保居民 终生饮用安全。
  3.2 城市:国家按行政建制设立的直辖市、市、镇。
  3.3 集中式供水:由水源集中取水,经统一净化处理和消毒后,由输水管网送到用户的供水方式。
  3.4 自建集中式供水:除城建部门建设的各级自来水厂外,由各单位自建的集中式供水方式。
  3.5 二次供水:用水单位将来自城市集中式供水系统的生活饮用水经贮存或再处理(如过滤、软化、矿 化、消毒等)后,经管道输送给用户的供水方式。

4  生活饮用水水质卫生要求

  4.1 生活饮用水水质应符合下列基本要求
  4.1.1 水中不得含有病原微生物。
  4.1.2 水中所含化学物质及放射性物质不得危害人体健康。
  4.1.3 水的感官性状良好。
  4.2 生活饮用水水质规定
4.2.1 生活饮用水水质常规检验项目


表1  生活饮用水水质常规检验项目及限值 项 目 限 值
浑浊度……………. 不超过l度(NTU)①,特殊情况下不超过5度(NTU)
臭和味……………… 不得有异臭、异味
肉眼可见物………… 不得含有
pH …………………..6.5—8.5
总硬度(以CaCO3计)… 450(mg/L)
铝 …………………..0.2(mg/L)
铁 …………………. 0.3(mg/L)
锰………………….. 0.1(mg/L)
铜 ……………………1.0(mg/L)
挥发酚类(以苯酚计).. 0.002(mg/L)
阴离子合成洗涤剂… 0.3(mg/L)
硫酸盐………………. 250(mg/L)
氯化物 ………………250(mg/L)
溶解性总固体…….. 1000(mg/L)
耗氧量(以O2计)…….. 3(mg/L),特殊情况下不超过5mg/L②
砷 …………………… 0.05(mg/L)
镉…………………….. 0.005(nlg/L)
铬(六价)……………… 0.05(mg/L)
氰化物…………………. 0.05(mg/L)
氟化物……………….. 1.0(mg/L)
铅…………………….. 0.01(mg/L)
汞 ………………….. 0.001(mg/L)
硝酸盐(以N计)………. 20(mg/L)
硒……………………. 0.01(mg/L)
四氯化碳……………. 0.002(mg/L)
氯仿……………………. 0.06(mg/L)
细菌总数………………. 100(CFU/mL)③
总大肠菌群 …………...每100mL水样中不得检出
粪大肠菌群…………….. 每100mL水样中不得检出
游离余氯……………… 在与水接触30分钟后应不低于0.3mg/L,管网末梢水不应低于0.05mg/L(适用于加氯消毒)
总α放射性………….. 0.5(Bq/L)
总β放射性…………….. 1(Bq/L)


4.2.2 生活饮用水水质非常规检验项目

表2 生活饮用水水质非常规检验项目及限值 项 目 限 值
硫化物………………… 0.02(mg/L)
钠 ………………………200(mg/L)
锑…………………….. 0.005(mg/L)
钡 ………………………0.7(mg/L)
铍…………………….. 0.002(mg/L)
硼………………………. 0.5(mg/L)
钼………………………. 0.07(mg/L)
镍………………………… 0.02(mg/L)
银………………………… 0.05(mg/L)
铊……………………….. 0.0001(mg/L)
二氯甲烷…………………….. 0.02(mg/L)
1,2-二氧乙烷 …………..0.03(mg/L)
1,1,1-三氯乙烷………… 2(mg/L)
氯乙烯…………………… 0.005(mg/L)
1,1-二氯乙烯…………. 0.03(mg/L)
1,2-二氯乙烯……….. 0.05(mg/L)
三氯乙烯………………. 0.07(mg/L)
四氯乙烯………………. 0.04(mg/L)
苯 ………………………0.01(mg/L)
甲苯 …………………..0.7(mg/L)
二甲苯……………….. 0.5(mg/L)
乙苯………………….. 0.3(mg/L)
苯乙烯…………………. 0.02(mg/L)
苯并(a)芘………….. 0.00001(mg/L)
氯苯……………………. 0.3(mg/L)
1,2-二氯苯………….. 1(mg/L)
1,4-二氯苯 ………………….0.3(mg/L)
三氯苯(总量) …….……...0.02(mg/L)
邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基已基)酯 0.008(mg/L)
丙烯酰胺…………………….. 0.0005(mg/L)
六氯丁二烯 ……………………0.0006(mg/L)
微囊藻毒素-LR………………… 0.001(mg/L)
甲草胺 …………………………0.02(mg/L)
灭草松…………………………. 0.3(mg/L)
叶枯唑………………………… 0.5(mg/L)
百菌清………………………….. 0.01(mg/L)
滴滴涕…………………………… 0.001(mg/L)
溴氰菊酯…………………………. 0.02(mg/L)
内吸磷………………………….. 0.03(mg/L)(感官限值)
乐果…………………………….. 0.08(mg/L)(感官限值)
2,4—滴……………………….. 0.03(mg/L)
七氯…………………………… 0.0004(mg/L)
七氯环氧化物…………………….. 0.0002(mg/L)
六氯苯…………………………. 0.001(mg/L)
六六六 ………………………….0.005(mg/L)
林丹……………………………… 0.002(mg/L)
马拉硫磷……………………….. 0.25(mg/L)(感官限值)
对硫磷 ………………………….0.003(mg/L)(感官限值)
甲基对硫磷…………………….. 0.02(mg/L)(感官限值)
五氯酚…………………………. 0.009(mg/L)
亚氯酸盐………………………. 0.2(mg/L)(适用于二氧化氯消毒)
一氯胺…………………………… 3 (mg/L)
2,4,6 三氯酚……………… 0.2(mg/L)
甲醛 ……………………….. 0.9(mg/L)
三卤甲烷① …………………..该类化合物中每种化合物的实测浓度与其各自限值的比值之和不得超过1
溴仿…………………………….. 0.1(mg/L)
二溴一氯甲烷 …………………. 0.1(mg/L)
一溴二氯甲烷………………….. 0.06(mg/L)
二氯乙酸 ……………………..0.05(mg/L)
三氯乙酸………………………… 0.1(mg/L)
三氯乙醛(水合氯醛)……………… 0.01(mg/L)
氯化氰(以CN—计)…………….. 0.07(mg/L)


  5.1 作为生活饮用水水源的水质,应符合下列要求。
  5.1.1 只经过加氯消毒即供作生活饮用的水源水,每100毫升水样中总大肠菌群MPN值不应超过200;经过净化处理及加氯消毒后供生活饮用的水源水,每100毫升水样中总大肠菌群MPN值不应超过2000。
  5.1.2 必须按第4.2节表1的规定,对水源水进行全部项目的测定和评价。
  5.1.3 水源水的感官性状和一般化学指标经净化处理后,应符合本规范第4.2节表1的规定。
  5.1.4 水源水的毒理学指标,必须符合本规范第4.2节表1的规定。
  5.1.5 水源水的放射性指标,必须符合本规范第4.2节表1的规定。
  5.1.6 当水源水中可能含有本规范4.2节表1所列之外的有害物质时,应由当地卫生行政部门会同 有关部门确定所需增加的检测项目,凡列入4.2节表2及附录A中的有害物质限值,应符合其相应规定(感官性状和一般化学指标经净化处理后需符合相关规定)。在此列表之外的有害物质限值应由当地卫生行政部门另行确定。
  5.1.7 水源水中耗氧量不应超过4mg/L;五日生化需氧量不应超过3mg/L。
  5.1.8 饮水型氟中毒流行区应选用含氟化物量适宜的水源。当无合适的水源而不得不采用高氟化物的水源时,应采取除氟措施,降低饮用水中氟化物含量。
  5.1.9 当水源水碘化物含量低于10μg/L时,应根据具体情况,采取补碘措施,防止发生碘缺乏病。
  5.2 当水质不符合5.1节和附录A中的规定时,不宜作为生活饮用水水源。若限于条件需加以利用时,应采用相应的净化工艺进行处理,处理后的水应符合规定,并取得卫生行政部门的批准。

6  水质监测

  6.1 水质的检验方法应符合《生活饮用水检验规范》(2001)的规定。
  6.2 集中式供水单位必须建立水质检验室,配备与供水规模和水质检验要求相适应的检验人员和仪 器设备,并负责检验水源水、净化构筑物出水、出厂水和管网水的水质。
  6.3 采样点的选择和监测
  供水人口超过一百万时,按上述比例计算出的采样点数可酌量减少。人口在二十万以下时,应酌量增 加。在全部采样点中应有一定的点数,选在水质易受污染的地点和管网系统陈旧部分等处。
  6.4 选择水源时的水质鉴定,应检测本规范第4.2节表1中规定的项目及该水源可能受某种成分污染的有关项目。
  6.5 卫生行政部门应对水源水、出厂水和居民经常用水点进行定期监测,并应作出水质评价。

7  本规范由卫生部负责解释。

8  本规范自二00一年九月一日起施行。
发表于 2007-2-19 20:58 | 显示全部楼层
附录A 饮用水源水中有定物质的限值 项 目 限 值(mg/L)
乙腈 5.0
丙烯腈 2.0
乙醛 0.05
三氯乙醛 0.01
甲醛 0.9
丙烯醛 0.1
二氯甲烷 0.02
1,2—二氯乙烷 0.03
环氧氯丙烷 0.02
二硫化碳 2.0
苯 0.01
甲苯 0.7
二甲苯 0.5
乙苯 0.3
氯苯 0.3
二硝基苯 0.5
硝基氯苯 0.05
二硝基氯苯 0.5
三氯苯 6.02
三硝基甲苯 0.5
四氯苯 0.02
六氯苯 0.05
异丙苯 0.25
苯乙烯 0.02
苯胺 0.1
三乙胺 3.0
已内酰胺 3.0
丙烯酰胺 0.0005
氯乙烯 0.005
三氯乙烯 0.07
四氯乙烯 0.04
邻苯二甲酸二(2—乙基己基)酯 0.008
氯丁二烯 0.002
水合肼 0.01
四乙基铅 0.0001
石油(包括煤油、汽油) 0.3
吡啶 0.2
松节油 0.2
苦味酸 0.5
丁基黄原酸 0.005
活性氯 0.01
硫化物 0.02
黄磷 0.003
钼 0.07
钴 1.0
铍 0.002
硼 0.5
锑 0.005
镍 0.02
钡 0.7
钒 0.05
钛 0.1
铊 0.0001
马拉硫磷(4049) 0.25
内吸磷(E059) 0.03
甲基对硫磷(甲基E605) 0.02
对硫磷(E605) 0.003
乐果 0.08
林丹 0.002
百菌清 0.01
甲荼威 0.05
溴氰菊酯 0.02
叶枯唑 0.5
发表于 2007-2-20 09:04 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-2-20 09:35 | 显示全部楼层
记得sweet water的说明书上说对病毒无能为力




[ 本帖最后由 双剑橡叶 于 2007-2-20 10:01 编辑 ]
发表于 2007-2-21 15:55 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 <i>双剑橡叶</i> 于 2007-2-20 09:35 发表<br />
记得sweet water的说明书上说对病毒无能为力<br />
所有陶瓷滤芯的净水器都有这个缺点吧,陶瓷孔径本身的问题<br />
<br />
对于病毒,最好还是烧开吧<br />
有篇文章说把水烧开、沸腾4分钟就能杀死大多数病毒<br />
有些病毒要在N个大气 ...
  1 水中不得含有病原微生物-不是所有的微生物都是有害的。
  2 水中所含化学物质及放射性物质不得危害人体健康。
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