品名: Blue Water Titan Runners成型扁带 12"已出
尺码: 长度为12英寸(30cm), 宽度12mm
市面上受力规格最高的成型扁带(27 kN)
我手头的BD/Mammut成型扁带都是22 kN的
Since BlueWater developed the first Titan runner twenty years ago it has been widely copied but never equalled. Our Titan runners continue to have the highest strength rating in the market. We bartack them in our own sewing department with custom Spectra thread for maximum strength and durability. Available in Red, Blue, Green and Purple. BAC available in Forest/ White only. Lengths 12 inch, 24 inch, 36 inch, 48 inch. CE and UIAA Certified.
Tensile Strength: 6000 lbf. , 27 kN
Working Load Limit (WLL): 400 lbs.
新旧程度: 全新带原标签
有无瑕疵并说明: 无瑕疵
是否真品: 真品
入手来源: 朋友从美国带回, $4
不含运资转让价: RMB 30不包邮
是否支持支付宝: 当然,走淘宝,交易链接PM联系告之
是否接受原样退货: 非质量问题不退
联系方式: 需要进一步联系的请PM留言
[ 本帖最后由 apus 于 2008-8-4 21:33 编辑 ] |