不知道这个研究的出处是那儿? 美国辛辛那提大学在2008年的Toxicology Letters上发表的论文中证明, http://www.healthnews.uc.edu/news/?/6387/, "...showed that the only big difference in exposure levels revolved around liquid temperature: Bottles used for up to nine years released the same amount of BPA as new bottles.” 大意是BPA的释放量和温度关系最大. 旧瓶子, 哪怕是9年前的, 和新瓶子的BPA释放量一样. 也就是说释放量不已时间的延长而降低.
同一个研究的数据:"Prior to boiling water exposure, the rate of release from individual bottles ranged from 0.2 to 0.8 nanograms per hour. After exposure, rates increased to 8 to 32 nanograms per hour." 沸水中BPA释放速度从每小时0.2 - 0.8 nanograms提高到每小时8-32 nanograms. 释放速度提高为什么不能说明释放量的增加?