CLIMASHEILD说白了是“silicone coated hollow polyester” - 涂硅中空涤纶纤维,而单孔及多孔中空纤维国内一直有厂家在生产,找好一点的就是山寨CLIMASHEILD了。
L1 - L7 的著装法最合快反部队使用,如美101师之类,TG要给几个连的特种兵配上也不奇怪,而且国力还是可以应付的。
WIGG’S 的老板 Jerry Wigutow 可是个广东人叫作"牙刷苏“的老頭,他家Lamilite据说用的是就是一个CLIMASHEILD 的 OEM(粗点的纤维?)的型号, 这里有人作了点材质比较:
CLIMASHEILD/PRIMALOFT 这类化纤的特性都是随著使用时间增加而变薄及保温性下降,但厚度变薄的百份比,比实际的保温性下降要大。记忆所及,PRIMALOFT是5年后厚度薄了约3份之1,但保温性能下降只有15%,而且稳定下来不会再下降了。在设计睡袋时用“OVERSTUFF” 的原理设计,就可以做出不怕长期压缩的睡袋了。但这样做出来的睡袋是当然是没有重量优势的。WIGG’S 睡袋还有个可能是一般人用有问题的地方:所用的面料相当透气,结果是可能给大风吹透。当然像美军使用的方式那就没关系了:美军现用模块结构睡袋是用大小俩个厚度不同的睡袋套起来用,外面再套上防水透气BIVY的。因有GORE-TEX BIVY 在外面,面料透气点没关系,可能还会减少点睡袋内的结露/结冰。
说实在如果Jerry Wigutow 说话实在点,我可能早就买了点他家的东西,这是一个刚看到的典型例子:
“ He mentions “breathable waterproof fabrics”. Being a physicist he should know that a fabric; an inanimate object can not have both of these characteristics; i.e. be waterproof and have vapor permeable (breathable) capabilities. The most famous of all materials available that is sold as waterproof and breathable is Gore-Tex. It does not work, never has and never will but some how Rob Loveman believes a fabric of this nature exists.”
根据网页上提及的 NSN 8465-01-395-4094 搜寻后,可以得出结论:WIGGY'S 一直不是美军主要供应商,只在1987曾作为Tennier Industries的分包商,而在1993-1997向海豹突击队提供过睡袋:
" In 1987 I received a call from Howard Thier the owner of Tennier Industries. He told me he had a customer who wanted him to make 14,000 sleeping bags but was unable to give him the production time. At the time Wiggy’s was a fledgling company just getting started in the sleeping bag business. Acquiring an order of this magnitude was certainly a feather in my cap. To make a long story short the order grew to 39,200 bags and enabled me to relocate to Grand Junction, Colorado. For his introduction to the company needing all those bags which were for the U.S. government I am very grateful. It helped to put me on the map as a sleeping bag manufacturer and it got me certified as a qualified government contractor."
" Mistakes happen all of the time, we are all fallible, some more so than others. Those in my opinion who are more fallible can be stupid, ignorant, or arrogant. Let me explain. In 1993 I developed the Ultra Light FTRSS. It was initially a summer to -20 F degree system for the Marines. A Chief with the U.S Navy SEAL base in San Diego, CA. called and told me he wanted a system. I told him about the Ultra Light FTRSS for the Marines. He told me he needed -40 F capability since the SEALS who were to be issued the bags were heading to Kodiak, Alaska for their training. The Super Light FTRSS was the end result. The SEAL base was purchasing so many that they went to the proper agency to have a National Stock Number issued; NSN 8465-01-395-4094 so they would not have to constantly request competitive bids when ever they needed a quantity for each new group of trainees. The Department of the Navy also sent me a letter congratulating me; Wiggy’s as a qualified blue Ribbon Vendor. We were given the award because of our service, quality of product and its performance. Our sales to the SEALS deteriorated in 1998."
P.S 这是全套模块睡袋的组成:
“The Modular Sleeping Bag System is current issue in the early 2000s. It is a four-component system:
* Sleeping Bag, Patrol (30 to 50 deg F), MSS Green NSN 8465-01-398-0685
* Sleeping Bag, Intermediate (30 to -10 deg F), CW, MSS Black NSN 8465-01-398-0687
* Compression Stuff Sack, Black NSN 8465-01-398-5428
* Bivy Cover, Woodland Camo, Camo NSN 8465-01-416-8517
The four components can be ordered together by the single number NSN 8465-01-395-1154.”
[ 本帖最后由 CookieMania 于 2010-2-14 00:21 编辑 ] |