原帖由 天空 于 2006-6-6 22:56 发表
那么梦梦看这个风绳应该如何来绑呢?发觉完全没有地方绑的说。嘻嘻 还有帐篷杆子延长不太清楚如何延长 哎 BS下自己。
1、这个帐篷无需风绳,在风大的时候,在迎风面多打几颗地钉:In extreme weather, the extra stakes can be used on the windward side for greater stability.
2、延长杆不是配合帐篷主杆使用的,而是配合登山杖使用的:The Hex can be pitched over a paddle as well as ski/trekking poles (if you have the Pole Extender, available from GoLite).
3、顶端的环是用来系顶绳,挂在树上的:The top-loop can be used to either suspend the canopy from a branch or from a line strung between two trees.
http://golite.com/customerservice/product_manuals/sh6106.pdf |