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Western Mountaineering Dakota睡袋

发表于 2007-8-20 20:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

品牌:Western Mountaineering

型号:Dakota Sleeping Bag








内充蓬松度高度850以上(850+ fill power)的顶级鹅绒,在同温标的防水睡袋中,重量最轻、体积最小,符合装备轻量化的趋势







Western Mountaineering是北美最顶级的专业睡袋制造商,国内没有销售,相同价位的Marmot睡袋,在国内的标价在¥7000以上

[ 本帖最后由 龙潜 于 2007-8-22 08:15 编辑 ]
发表于 2007-8-20 23:16 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-8-20 23:58 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-8-21 00:42 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 <i>cachet</i> 于 2007-8-20 23:58 发表<br />
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发表于 2007-8-21 09:39 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-8-21 12:03 | 显示全部楼层





答案是: 垃圾

[ 本帖最后由 smalldi 于 2007-8-21 16:15 编辑 ]
发表于 2007-8-21 12:13 | 显示全部楼层!775

发表于 2007-8-21 12:35 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 <i>smalldi</i> 于 2007-8-21 12:03 发表<br />
数据一旦神话,人们就会失去理智!<br />
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850克绒,蓬松后的厚度19CM,这似乎没有什么值得骄傲的!说到顶级更是扯淡!<br />
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自己回家随便找一条羽绒睡袋蓬松后量一下厚度,就不会流那么多口水了!<br />
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650PF是不错的, ...
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发表于 2007-8-21 15:25 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-8-21 15:34 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-8-22 04:34 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 <i>smalldi</i> 于 2007-8-21 12:03 PM 发表<br />
数据一旦神话,人们就会失去理智!<br />
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850克绒,蓬松后的厚度19CM,这似乎没有什么值得骄傲的!说到顶级更是扯淡!<br />
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自己回家随便找一条羽绒睡袋蓬松后量一下厚度,就不会流那么多口水了!<br />
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650FP是不错的, ...
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你可能没有考虑这种差不多全防水的DRYLOFT面料的重量及面料硬度吧? 它是GORE-TEX的兄弟,夹膜的。大约3倍Pertex Quantum的重量,用850FP的羽绒顶起它不是件容易的事,用650PF的顶起它倒很容易,就是包重得不得了,用这个睡袋基本上可以不用BIVY直接睡在冰面不会出事的。

[ 本帖最后由 CookieMania 于 2007-8-22 08:25 编辑 ]
发表于 2007-8-22 09:58 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 <i>CookieMania</i> 于 2007-8-22 04:34 发表<br />
&lt;br /&gt;<br />
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你可能没有考虑这种差不多全防水的DRYLOFT面料的重量及面料硬度吧? 它是GORE-TEX的兄弟,夹膜的。大约3倍Pertex Quantum的重量,用850FP的羽绒顶起它不是件容易的事,用650PF的顶起它倒很容易,就是包重得不得了,用这个睡袋基本上可以不用BIVY直接睡在冰面不会出事的。
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DRYLOFT确实是GORE-TEX的兄弟,但是这个兄弟既不同母也不同父!三年前我拆开过采用DRYLOFT羽绒服,就是想看看DRYLOFT这种面料和GORE-TEX有什么不同,因为我的手感告诉我DRYLOFT和GORE-TEX是完全不同的东西!拆开之后... 呵呵...


如果这个睡袋可以直接睡在冰面上,那我想我的Pertex Quantum睡袋也可以睡在冰面上!
发表于 2007-8-22 11:32 | 显示全部楼层


January 21, 2002

Is DryLoft on a down sleeping bag worth it?

Is DryLoft on a down sleeping bag worth it? I've noticed that it's not appearing as often as it used to on down winter sleeping bags.

— David Morlock
St. Paul, Minnesota

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That's an excellent question. DryLoft, in effect a "thin" version of Gore-Tex, was introduced about seven or eight years ago. It's marketing pitch was this: Used over insulating garments or sleeping bags, it would shield the insulation itself (particularly down) against moderate moisture -— a flurry of snow blowing into a tent when the door is opened, that sort of thing. Yet it also would be more breathable than regular Gore-Tex, which many bag and parka makers were then using. That's an important consideration, as condensation trapped inside a sleeping bag or parka can greatly reduce the effectiveness of the insulation itself.

I've always been sort of ambivalent about the stuff, even though I have several pieces of gear that use it. For one thing, it added quite a bit to the cost of an item —- close to $100 for a sleeping bag, for instance. And to me it was effective only in a fairly narrow temperature range -— say, between about 20 to 45 degrees. Colder than, and it still increased the chances of moisture becoming trapped inside a bag, where it could freeze. Warmer, and, well, so what if the bag gets a little damp? DryLoft wasn't protection against a real soaking, anyway.

Since its introduction, DryLoft has sparked plenty of competition, which I think is why you see it mentioned less often. On the one hand, nearly all bag makers now used nylon or polyester shells that are treated for water-repellency, a process that results in a bag that is more breathable than the DryLoft equivalent, cheaper, and nearly as water-resistant. On the other hand, some makers have introduced bag shells that are MORE water-resistant than DryLoft, the logic being that people who want a water-shedding shell on a bag, want a good one. Feathered Friends, for instance, uses a PTFE material (Gore-Tex is based on PTFE, basically Teflon) it sources from a non-Gore maker, hence saving money, and that is more water-resistant than Gore-Tex. Mountain Hardwear, meanwhile, uses a proprietary coated fabric it calls Conduit, which is essentially waterproof, except for the seams a bag will have.

Myself, I think the best shell is a polyester microfiber that's treated for water-repellency. Soft, durable, breathable and water-resistant. Western Mountaineering uses such a shell in bags such as the Super Apache MF ($335), a superb 15-degree bag. Interestingly, Western touts this shell as its most "extreme-use" shell, even though it also makes and sells DryLoft-covered bags, which it calls its most "water-resistant" bags. Which is true, but it sounds to me like they really prefer the polyester shells.
发表于 2007-8-22 12:11 | 显示全部楼层
另外, 小弟觉得有个建议希望smalldi 同学可以考虑下:

无论怎么看起来, LZ所转贴的是一个卖家对自家产品的介绍,而这个介绍其实只是卖家摆出了这个袋子的一些客观产品数据, 我们当然不能凭借数据就膜拜成"顶级", 但是也不能说因为这些数据就洪水成"垃圾", 这两种取向其实都是同一种性质片面的神话;  

为什么要说1000FILL的就一定是垃圾?  尽管我们了解睡袋的性能受制于很多因素, 但是高FILL已经被实践证明是在同样保温性能下的轻量化/小型化的重要手段, 我相信,  单纯因为高FILL而迷信其顶级与单纯因为1000FILL而判定其为垃圾, 这两种判定其实都是同一性质的片面话;

WM之所以成为被市场接受的高端产品,这些出色的指标数据是其一个方面, 相信最主要是因为WM更好的使用了高质量的原料,高水准的设计与工艺, 最后体现的就是优秀的数据指标, 而在实际使用中也获得的良好口碑;
发表于 2007-8-22 12:26 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2007-8-22 12:45 | 显示全部楼层
WM用的羽绒是最好的,不是SD、Marmot、TNF之流能比的。WM习惯把数据标的比较保守,而且它送测的羽绒样品是没有经过干燥、蓬松处理的, 它的850+蓬松度的羽绒,实际上比许多标称900+的还要好。相同温标的睡袋,WM的往往比其他品牌的实际要耐低温5度到10度,比如它的Western Mountaineering Apache MF 15F(-10度)M号睡袋,充绒量仅535克,标称6''的Loft实际上差不多有7''了。

Fill Power Testing

To perform a certified test, a sample of down is sent to an independent laboratory. There the sample is placed in a large screened box and allowed to condition for 5 days before being tested. During this time the sample is stirred, mixed, and blown with a warm hair dryer. This conditioning is intended to stabilize the sample so that consistent results may be obtained. Then a 1 ounce sample is drawn and placed into a measuring cylinder. A piston weighted to 68.4 grams is placed on top of the down and when it comes to rest the volume of the down is measured in cubic inches. In spite of 5 days of conditioning, the laboratory will publish their results with a plus or minus 5% error. This is a full 10% range and for an 850 fill test, results in an 80 point variance! Furthermore, conditioning actually improves the sample by drying and blowing out dust and other small particles while the down at the factory remains unconditioned! This is what we mean by an Optimistic fill power rather than a Practical fill power rating. If two bags have the same internal volume, the bag with more loft will be warmer.

If two bags have the same loft, the bag with the smaller internal volume will be more efficient and warmer. If two bags have the same loft and internal volume, but one has a lot more down fill by weight, then check the density of down inside the chambers and the fill power claimed by the manufacturer. Well filled down chambers provide better down control.


850 Plus Fill Power Goose Down
Western Mountaineering uses the highest lofting premium goose down available for all of our sleeping bags. Our fill power claim of 850 Plus is meant to be a realistic estimate given the variability of the product and the nature of fill power test methods. In reality, our certified tests most often are higher than what we claim. This is because the certified test methods provide the most optimistic fill power rating and do not represent what is being put into your sleeping bag. Recently, these testing methods for fill power changed again making the fill power ratings even higher. Now, each sample of down will receive a tumble dry before it is given several days to loft up in a perfectly controlled environment. During that time it is enhanced by using a blow dryer to boost loft. Your sleeping bag will never receive that kind of treatment, and this is why we claim a more practical fill power. Rest assured, we use only the finest goose down available.

WM 850+羽绒
Western Mountaineering生产的所有睡袋都使用能找到的最顶级的鹅绒(the highest lofting premium goose down available),我们标称的850+蓬松度是根据产品的变动性和蓬松度测试方法的原理来实际估算的。实际上,我们认证的蓬松度经常高于我们标出的。这是因为认证测试方法提供了最优化的蓬松度指标,这个并不能代表你的睡袋实际使用的羽绒。最近,这一蓬松度评测方法再次被修改,而且给出的蓬松度指标甚至比以前更高了。。。

[ 本帖最后由 cachet 于 2007-8-22 12:55 编辑 ]
发表于 2007-8-22 12:54 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 <i>jnccyd</i> 于 2007-8-22 12:26 发表<br />
我家三条睡袋和四件羽绒服都是dryloft,使用感觉是非常优秀,但也做不到防水,顶多防拨水<br />
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今年五一在西大滩闲着没事,我拿我的CWM(标900FILLDOWN,DRYLOFT)与小杜带来的水电为他订坐 ...
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Western Mountaineering 2005年新改进的Microfiber的防泼水性就已经非常好了,在透气、防泼水和耐用性方面做了一个很好的平衡,看国外评测也都对Microfiber赞不绝口。

原帖由 <i>smalldi</i> 于 2007-8-22 09:58 发表<br />
&lt;br /&gt;<br />
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我怎么会没有考虑DRYLOFT呢?:)<br />
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考虑了DRYLOFT的重量和硬度,这条睡袋的LOFT依然是19CM!对于睡袋而言LOFT才是最重要的的指标之一!<br />
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DRYLOFT确实是GORE-TEX的兄弟,但是这个兄弟既不同 ...
如果这个睡袋可以直接睡在冰面上,那我想我的Pertex Quantum睡袋也可以睡在冰面上!
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Western Mountaineering较低端或轻量级的睡袋使用的就是Pertex Quantum面料,这个面料在重量轻以及防漏绒方面表现的确不错,不过在防水和耐用性上要比Microfiber差不少。

[ 本帖最后由 cachet 于 2007-8-22 13:47 编辑 ]
发表于 2007-8-22 13:09 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-8-22 13:10 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-8-22 13:27 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 <i>jnccyd</i> 于 2007-8-22 12:26 发表<br />
我家三条睡袋和四件羽绒服都是dryloft,使用感觉是非常优秀,但也做不到防水,顶多防拨水<br />
<br />
今年五一在西大滩闲着没事,我拿我的CWM(标900FILLDOWN,DRYLOFT)与小杜带来的水电为他订坐 ...
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dryloft并不是设定为防水, 其本身定位就是防泼水, 在小弟引用的引文讨论中看来, 有三种手法被提及,  一类是常见的在nylon或者 polyester外层上做防泼水处理, 做到比DRYLOFT更好的透气性, 接近的water-repellency, 而另外一方面则有比DRYLOFT更强的防水性能材料, 例如FF所使用的PTFE ,以及MW的Conduit;
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