Don't buy this
By Kathleen from Toronto on 7/24/2007
Pros:Compact, Excellent Power, Lightweight
Cons:Low Quality, Not durable
Best Uses:Camping, Picnicing
Bottom Line:No, I would not recommend this to a friend
I bought 1 of these little stoves. It is small and lightweight and has amazing power. It worked wonderfully until I tried to collapse 1 of the 3 grids (only after a few uses) and one of the grids broke off. It was replaced by [...] since they could easily see that it had a welding problem with the grid. I loved the little stove so much I bought another one that same day. Off I went this year just 3 times with my two little stoves. And again on 1 of them a grid broke off. I am not a strong woman. I am careful with my things. But, these grid (arms) break off so easily when collapsing them. On the 3rd, and my last stove, I dared not close it for fear that the arm would break and I would be left in the wilderness with nothing (not yet Survivor Woman :). So I have had the same problem with 2 out of 3 of these little guys. Amazing power but they don't stay together. I am off to [...] to ask them to collapse the grids of the 3rd and final stove themselves, to show them the problem first hand. I hope to find a better replacement -)
简单的说就是架锅的架子容易断 |