综上而言,这位同学在表示信心大受打击的同时,也继续坚持“I am still happy with the tent”;
排开人品因素不谈,这并不是网络上唯一关于H家营帐断杆的抱怨,小弟在其他类似网络记录中也有见到(当然,任何品牌的产品都有这样的个例), 不过值得注意的是,根据这位兄弟的记录,H家最终“after a couple of e-mails with Hilleberg, we agreed that it is a problem with the poles. It doesn't show up very much, so there isn't much that can be done. I will continue to replace the pole if it happens again”,也就是说,貌似这成了一个不可控与无法根本解决的质量问题(在机械类制造行业,这种无法控制无法回溯改进而只能依赖实际售后案例的事情并不少见)