The idea is to carry standard ingredients that can be used in different ways.
{Probably a good idea to do your own research before trying these - JAK}
Sugar or Honey
Glucose Powder
Salt ~60/40 sodium chloride / potassium chloride
Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate)
Citric Acid Powder
Recipe 1 : Dehydrated and bonked
1 Litre Water
2 Tablespoons Glucose Powder~ 25g ~ 100kcal
2 Tablespoons Sugar or Honey ~ 25g ~ 100kcal
1/2 Teaspoon 60/40 Salt ~ 2.5g
1/2 Teaspoon Baking Soda ~ 2.5g
1/2 Teaspoon Citric Acid Powder ~ 2.5g
= 5% sugar, 0.5% salts, 200kcal
Cut back to half strength as Sports drink unless really bonked.
I like sugar or honey or milk (lactose) because it replenishes the liver.
Recipe 2 : Just bonked (e.g. running in cooler conditions)
1 Litre Water
2 Tablespoons Glucose Powder~ 25g ~ 100kcal
2 Tablespoons Sugar or Honey ~ 25g ~ 100kcal
1/4 Teaspoon 60/40 Salt ~ 2.5g
1/4 Teaspoon Baking Soda ~ 2.5g
1/4 Teaspoon Citric Acid Powder ~ 2.5g
= 5% sugar, 0.25% salts, 200kcal
Again cut back to half strength as Sports drink unless really bonked.
Recipe 3 : Just dehydrated (e.g. vomiting or diahreea or sweating)
1 Litre Water
2 Tablespoons Glucose Powder~ 25g ~ 100kcal
1 Teaspoon 60/40 Salt ~ 5g
1/2 Teaspoon Baking Soda ~ 2.5g
1/2 Teaspoon Citric Acid Powder ~ 2.5g
= 2.5% sugar, 0.75% salts, 100kcal
Recipe 4 : Good recovery drink for after a long 2 hour run.
1 Litre Water
1 cup Skim Milk Powder ~ 24g Protien 36g Lactose ~ 240kcal
2 Teaspoons Glucose Powder ~ 10g ~ 40kcal
4 Tablespoons Sugar or Honey ~ 50g ~ 200kcal
= 1.5% sugar, 0.75% salts, 24g Protien, 96g Carbs, 480kcal
For training it is often better not to take sugar during the run.
But at the end of the run you need to replace the sugar, but not the fat.
Recipe 5 : Good recovery drink for after long 4 hour walk without hills.
1 Litre Water
1 Tablespoons Sugar or Honey ~ 12.5g ~ 50kcal
1/4 Teaspoon 60/40 Salt ~ 2.5g
1/4 Teaspoon Baking Soda ~ 2.5g
1/2 Teaspoon Citric Acid Powder ~ 2.5g
= 2.5% sugar, 0.5% salts, 50kcal
The idea here is you have been mostly burning fat and want to keep it off.
Drink one litre within 15 minutes and a second litre within the hour.
Recipe 6 : Upset Stomach (i.e. Antacid)
125 ml Water (4oz)
1/2 Teaspoon Baking Soda ~ 2.5g (616mg Sodium)
1/4 Teaspoon Citric Acid Powder ~ 1.25g (or less)
= 4oz once every 2 hours
Recipe 7 : Recipe for Scones or Bannock
250ml Water
250ml Flour ~ 125g = 13g Protien, 95g Carbs, 1g Fat = 455kcal
1 Teaspoon Sugar or Honey ~ 5g ~ 20kcal
1/4 Teaspoon 50/50 Salt ~ 1.25g
1/2 Teaspoon Baking Soda ~ 2.5g
1/2 Teaspoon Citric Acid Powder ~ 2.5g
2 Tablespoons Olive Oil ~ 25g ~ 225kcal
plus currants, raisins, seeds, nuts, bits of oatmeal, spruce needles, whatever
= 13g Protien, 100g Carbs, 26g Fat = 700kcal + whatever
Recipe 8 : Tootpaste
1 Teaspoon Baking Soda ~ 5g
Recipe 9 : Lip Balm / Scented Candle
1/4 oz Beeswax (1/2 a tealight)
1/4 oz Olive Oil (1/2 a tealight)
1/8 oz Ethanol (1/4 a tealight)
Sprig of Eastern Cedar
Light a beeswax tealight, when enough wax has melted pour in an equal part of
olive oil and let it all heat up and melt and drop in the bits of cedar but not so that they burn. Enjoy. When it is all belted and has burned 1/4 way down (1 hour) you can add some alcohol and stir it all up some more and let it cool and solidify. The alcohol should mostly evaporate off but it may help extract stuff from the Cedar. When it has cooled try a little bit on your lips. If it isn any good use it as a scented candle.
Recipe 10 : Hot toddy in the woods
5.5 oz Water ( Sweet Birch Sap would be even better )
1.5 oz ~ 3 Tablespoons of Sugar or Honey ~ 45g = 180kcal
1/2 Teaspoon Citric Acid Powder (or less)
1 oz Pure Ethanol (or 160 Proof Rum) ~ 22g = 154kcal
One of the advantages of using Ethyl Alcohol from a Liquor store for fuel is you don't have to worry about skin contact and you can use it for other medicinal purpose. You could use water ot Birch Sap or start with a weak tea made from Alder or Birch or Cedar before adding the rest of the ingredients. Don drink Ethyl Alcohol unless you buy it at a Liquor Store. Add the Citric Acid Powder until it is as sour as you like it. Makes 1 cup at 12.5% alcohol by volume. 334kcal. Go to bed. Nobody like a drunk pretending to have a cold.
Recipe 11 : Three Part Exotic Foot Relief
Part One
1 Litre of water with bark of some favorite tree
1 Tablespoon Baking Soda
1 Tablespoon Citric Acid Powder
Part Two
1 Tablespoon Alcohol
Part Three
1 Tablespoon Baking Soda
Heat up water with bark and let simmer. Pour youself a cup to drink. Add Baking Soda and Citric Acid Powder to the rest and soak you feet. Dry your feet when you finish your tea. Rub feet with Alcohol. Finish by powdering your feet with the Baking Soda. If the bark is gummy like spruce, all the better.
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