原帖由 <i>爱水电</i> 于 2008-11-16 00:45 发表<br />
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举个极端的例子,保温瓶夹层里有没有空气厚度都一样,可保温效果差得远了! <br />
跟有没有对流也有关系吧 就像纯充气床和有填充的充气床一样
btw 关于luxurylite 我忘掉了一句 就是必须是冲绒的
Why don't we list the Fill Power (600, 750, 800, 900, etc) for the LuxuryLite "V" Bag? Well, bottom line, I don't know the fill power of the down in our bag. When I designed and specified this sleeping bag for the manufacturer in China I specified the length and width, and the full-length chest zipper; and I specified only three performance specs: [1] it must be down filled, [2] It must weigh less than 2 lbs and [3] it must have a minimum loft of 8 cm.
If I would have specified a 'Temperature Rating' or a 'Fill Power' I would have no way to argue with the manufacturer. Even with the language barrier, we can both weigh a bag and we can both measure the thickness. I have slept in this bag at 33 degrees on the LuxuryLite UltraLite Cot with Cool Mat inside a backpackers tent and was very warm. |