Clothing insulation (clo unit) Research on clothing insulation originally conducted for military purposes. 1 clo = 0.16oC .m2/w (1 m2 = 11 ft2). The clo is a measure of thermal resistance and includes the insulation provided by any layer of trapped air between skin and clothing and insulation value of clothing itself. 1 clo unit will maintain a sedentary man at 1 met indefinitely comfortable in an environment of 21oC (69.8oF), 50% RH, and .01 m/s (20 ft/min) air movement. Assuming no wind penetration and no body movements to pump air around, clothing insulation = 0.15 x weight of clothes in lbs. (i.e., 0.15 clo per lb of clothes). So 10 lbs. clothes = 1.5 clo.
Tog = European unit of thermal insulation
1 tog = 0.645 clo. |