晚上闲着无聊去看鞋子,发觉La Sportiva FC 2.0 GTX很PP, 上也没有看到过测评就准备当次小白。于是live Chart如下
[10:36 AM] Edouardo Ou has joined the room
[10:36 AM] Nicholas has joined the room
[10:36 AM] Nicholas: Hi Edouardo.
[10:36 AM] Edouardo Ou: hi
[10:37 AM] Nicholas: The link I provided is all information available for international shipping.
[10:37 AM] Edouardo Ou: Ok, thanks for your kindly help, i'd like to check detail
[10:37 AM] Nicholas has joined the room
[10:38 AM] Nicholas: You are most welcome.
[10:39 AM] Nicholas: It does appear we are shipping to China but only with UPS.
[10:39 AM] Edouardo Ou: it seem $60 USD Shipping for the first item and $30 for each additional item from US to China
[10:39 AM] Edouardo Ou: is that right
[10:39 AM] Nicholas: That is correct.
[10:44 AM] Edouardo Ou: in China, i wear 42
[10:44 AM] Edouardo Ou: and in USA, it may be 8.5
[10:45 AM] Edouardo Ou: But in Zappos i'm not sure which size i can order it. 41.4 or 42
[10:46 AM] Nicholas: Let me check on that for you,
[10:46 AM] Nicholas: One moment please.
[10:46 AM] Edouardo Ou: thanks :)
[10:48 AM] Nicholas: Unfortunately, I am not having much locating China shoe sizing on the internet.
[10:49 AM] Nicholas: It appears to be the same as European sizes.
[10:49 AM] Edouardo Ou: yes!
[10:49 AM] Edouardo Ou: i think so
[10:49 AM] Nicholas: In that case, a 42 would be generally an 8.5
[10:51 AM] Nicholas: But for the La Sportiva, the 42 is a Men's 9-9.5.
[10:51 AM] Nicholas: Which may be large for you.
[10:53 AM] Edouardo Ou: Perhaps I should go to local shop to check the size. but i'm not sure is this the same standard for US size and China size
[10:54 AM] Nicholas: Yeah definitely check with a local outdoor store for help with sizing.
[10:55 AM] Nicholas: Feel free to contact La Sportiva with any questions as well! (303) 443-8710 x 13
[10:55 AM] Nicholas: They are located in the US.
[10:56 AM] Edouardo Ou: I have already bought the shoes of another brand -- Montail, it seems i should wear 8.5 wide us size
[10:58 AM] Nicholas: O great. Do you think you are on the smaller side of the 8.5, more towards and 8 Or would be on the larger side toward the 9
[11:03 AM] Edouardo Ou: Montrail Torre GTX Classic 8.5 wide. i have check in my Shoe-box, So I believe 8.5 was just well. but i'm not sure it should be towards 8 or 9 :(
[11:04 AM] Nicholas has joined the room
[11:06 AM] Nicholas: May I suggest you visit a local shoe store and measure your feet with the use of a Brannock device.
[11:09 AM] Edouardo Ou: Good idea. thanks. By the way. i find International Ordering only can order by Phone call not accept email
[11:09 AM] Nicholas: Unfortunately, only by phone at this time.
[11:12 AM] Edouardo Ou: ......whatever, really thanks for your help, and good night. In China, here is at midnight:)
[11:13 AM] Nicholas: You are most welcome! We are available 24 hours a day if you need more help.
[11:13 AM] Nicholas: Have a good night. Its only 11am on 04/03/09 here in Las Vegas, NV.
[11:14 AM] Edouardo Ou: Noted, 88
无视我蹩脚的E文,先说一下60美 的运费还是蛮贵额!而且还有关税额风险!另外,L家的鞋子码数一直没有搞懂,有41,41.5,42相对应额是什么?貌似按照后面美码的标 和中国的差很多啊!有DX知道吗?老美说最好在local shoe store里面用Brannock测量?这个是什么东东?
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