楼主: cachet

2007 Backpacking Stoves

发表于 2006-9-2 04:21 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2006-9-4 08:43 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2006-9-4 21:39 | 显示全部楼层
整体看跟JET BOIL很像,
但各方面又比JET BOIL的单单一个集热圈要优胜得多,
发表于 2006-9-15 23:36 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2006-9-15 23:37 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2006-9-16 00:14 | 显示全部楼层

[ 本帖最后由 leexy 于 2006-9-16 00:17 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-31 22:31 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 <i>风间忍</i> 于 2006-8-31 09:28 发表<br />
MSR的容量更大.而且加热时间也不逊色.与J不同的是,MSR好像只能针对这个集热杯使用.而J是可以通过组件转变为普通炉头,其他炊具也可以使用.<br />
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其实大家如果能找到新的KOVEA的产品手册看的话,也能发现KOVEA也将会 ...
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1. 由于Reactor炉头表面的加热网是突出来的(正好与气罐的底面吻合),因此不能将锅直接放在上面,而必须使用黑色的那个集热杯(Heat Exchanger)。
2. 从叠放收纳的那张图看,Reactor这个1.7L锅子的下半部分深入到了集热杯里面(不知是否接触到集热杯的底部)。因此锅子下半部分应该是锥型的(或至少要比上半部分细一些)。
3. 虽然勉强,但应该也可以使用非MSR的锅子,如果锅子直径略小于集热杯直径,则可以直接搁放在集热杯里面(集热杯的四壁可以起到一定的扶持、稳定的作用。锅的把手?....最好忘掉它的存在)。比较糟糕的情况是锅的直径大于集热杯的直径(约13cm),这时只能将锅直接放在集热杯上了(加热效果估计要差不少)。
4. Reactor的这个锅子显然不是什么高压锅,只是它的炉头在某种程度上加入了稳定燃气气压的功能,这样可以保持燃气输出的稳定,无论是新的气罐还是快烧完的气罐,输出火力差不太多。
5. Reactor的技术关键部分还是非炉头莫属,它通过维持恒定的火力将加热网烧红,类似于电炉那样通过热辐射来加热锅子。集热杯减少了往四周散发的热量损失。
发表于 2006-12-31 22:49 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-31 22:52 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-18 10:56 | 显示全部楼层
MSR官网刊出了一篇Rock and Ice杂志对Reactor的评测报告,尤其是和Jetboil做了一个对比,全文见下面链接:

MSR Reactor 20 ounces with 2-quart pot
Jetboil 15 ounces with 1.25-quart pot
(also available with 1.5 liter pot; add 4 ounces)

Boil times at 65 degrees F
Reactor 2:38 minimum; 4:50 maximum
Jetboil 4:49 minimum; 8:50 maximum

Boil time at 9 degrees F
Reactor 5:25
Jetboil 10:24

Boil time in 7mph wind
Reactor 2:58
Jetboil would not boil

Number of quarts boiled
(220-gram propane/butane mix)
Reactor 24
Jetboil 28

Total burn time
Reactor 77 minutes
Jetboil 197 minutes

发表于 2007-1-18 11:45 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2007-1-18 23:45 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-1-19 10:07 | 显示全部楼层
感觉思路上还是受了 Jetboil 启发,只不过这个是加强版。
发表于 2007-1-19 11:21 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-1-19 11:42 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-1-19 13:57 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-1-19 14:04 | 显示全部楼层
765g, 稍微有点重.
发表于 2007-1-19 14:05 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #30 cachet 的帖子

发表于 2007-1-19 14:50 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-1-19 15:04 | 显示全部楼层


The Jetboil GCS’s pot support allows you to use the Jetboil burner with almost any cookware, including frying pans and larger pots, although you’ll lose the advantage of the heat exchanger. Since the PCS and GCS use the same burner it’s also possible to mix-and-match Jetboil components for different trips, using the PCS pot for fast-and-light summit attempt or carrying the whole kit along for family backpacking.

The Reactor is limited to using its single 1.4-liter pot. Because of the burner’s convex design, other pots cannot be placed on the Reactor. MSR has not announced plans for any additional Reactor-compatible cookware.

Most Compatible: Jetboil GCS


Both the Reactor and the Jetboil PCS are designed primarily for boiling water and melting snow. Their deep, narrow pots are awkward to stir without an extra-long spoon, and are not particularly conducive to preparing haute cuisine. Neither is compatible with other cookware, so frying up breakfast pancakes is impossible. I did manage to cook a packaged rice and chicken meal in the Reactor, but stirring and eating out of the deep pot was awkward at best. For the most part with the Reactor and Jetboil PCS you’ll want to stick to boiling water for drinks and freeze-dried meals.

The GCS’s more conventionally sized pot makes it a better candidate for culinary tasks that require more than boiling water. The GCS pot has measurements stamped (legibly!) into the pot at the 0.5-, 1.0-, and 1.5-liter marks – which can simplify boiling and cooking tasks and eliminate the need for measuring via a water bottle. And the Jetboil’s lower-output burner makes simmering with the GCS a better proposition than with many canister stoves.

Best for Cooking: Jetboil GCS

Ease of Use

The Reactor has the fewest parts: pot, lid, burner, and fuel canister. The PCS adds a protective cover for its heat exchanger, the cover doubling as a small measuring cup. Both stoves allow you to store the stove with the burner and canister still connected to each other, which saves time and hassle both before and after a meal or a quick brew. Packing up the GCS requires separating the components and arranging them just so inside the pot.

The Reactor’s rugged Lexan lid sits nicely on top of the pot without having to be “snapped” on or off like those on the Jetboils. However, I found that the surface tension of collected condensation tends to “seal” the Reactor’s lid to the rim of the pot when boiling water – making it very difficult to pry off when it’s still hot. The curved design and protruding handle of the Reactor’s lid also makes it pretty much useless for anything other than covering the pot. The GCS’s plastic lid and heat exchanger cover, on the other hand, can double as plates, cutting boards, or shallow bowls.

Like most canister stoves, a small knob built into the body of the stove regulates output of the Jetboil GCS and PCS. The plastic knob stays cool to the touch, but its recessed location can make it awkward to adjust, especially with gloves on. However, the Reactor’s large plastic throw lever is easily accessible and very easy to adjust, even for gloved hands. Unfortunately it is also very easy to shut the stove off before reaching the full “off“ position. Since the Reactor is very quiet and the pot completely encases the burner, you have to lift the pot off the burner to tell if it’s still lit; several times I extinguished the burner while attempting to simmer.

One unique feature of the Jetboil PCS is that the burner securely latches to the pot. By clipping the pot’s nylon webbing handle to a carabiner, the PCS can easily be rigged into a hanging setup favored by big wall climbers. Neither the GCS nor the Reactor is so equipped.

The GCS requires special care when removing the pot. If you try to slide the pot off the stove rather than lifting straight up, the heat exchanger can catch on the pot support and dislodge it or upset the entire stove.

Easiest to Use: MSR Reactor and Jetboil PCS (tie)


The MSR Reactor, the Jetboil PCS, and the Jetboil GCS are all solid performers and each has something unique to offer. Which stove is the best will depend on your specific needs.

If you often travel solo and are looking to cut your pack weight, the Jetboil PCS is the obvious choice. Its diminutive size and miserly fuel consumption make it handy for brewing a quick trailside cup of tea. Used with smaller 110 g fuel canisters, it packs down small and saves weight on shorter trips, but may not make sense if you’re traveling with a group.

For boiling water quickly or melting snow in windy conditions, the MSR Reactor gets the job done. It’s the heaviest (by only 0.3 oz.) and least fuel-efficient of the three stoves tested, but by far the best performer in a variety of conditions. And don’t overlook the “gee-whiz” factor – the Reactor’s unique design will get some stares wherever you light it up.

If you’re cooking for a group or want to get more creative than freeze-dried meals, the Jetboil GCS is the best bet, but beware its lack of performance in the wind. Combined with a PCS pot (aka Jetboil Companion Cup, available separately) the GCS can provide flexibility for a variety of trips.

[ 本帖最后由 盔甲 于 2007-1-19 15:08 编辑 ]
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